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BOH Minutes Jan 16 2013
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Katie Carroll, Matt Poole

Absent:  Jan Buhrman

Also Present: Marina Lent (Administrator), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering), Wendy Weldon (Squibnocket Pond Advisory Committee), Melinda Loberg (MV Water Alliance), Charles Parker, Tim Simmonds (Restoration Ecologist, Ecological Restoration Program, Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game)

Minutes of December 5 and 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013 adopted.

Vagelos, 157 North Road (4-22.2) the Board reviewed a draft deed restriction limiting the number of bedrooms to the septic system capacity; Matt Poole will send amendments to Marina Lent for incorporation into the draft.

Doyle, 5 Boston Hill Road (3-60) Reid Silva presented a Septic system plan revision together with soil observation results; the Board approved the revision.

McGary, 108 Hammett Road (4-7) the Board approved a septic system construction permit presented by Reid Silva, who will assess soils during the installation process.  The proposed plan does not require variances.

Controlled Use of Chemical Herbicides to Treat Phragmites on Squibnocket Pond Charles Parker, resident at Squibnocket, Tim Simmons of the Department of Fish and Game, and Kristin Fauteaux of the Sherriff's Meadow Foundation, as well as Wendy Weldon (Squibnocket Pond Advisory Committee), and Melinda Loberg (MV Water Alliance) attended the meeting.  Mr. Parker noted that Chilmark Zoning Enforcement Officer Lenny Jason had originally suggested that the applicants meet with the Board of Health.   

The Board reiterated its position that the Board of Health is not called upon to review the merits of any specific application for the use of chemical herbicides in the Squibnocket Pond District, and that this afternoon, the Conservation Commission had already voted to approve the proposal.  Mr. Parker acknowledged that this is the case and suggested tonight's meeting provides an opportunity to discuss the relative merits and risks involved in controlling the growth of phragmites at Squibnocket Pond through controlled application of the glyphosate-based herbicide Rodeo, vs. allowing uncontrolled growth and spread of this invasive plant, or alternate methods of containment.  The Board declined to discuss these issues.

2012 BOH Annual Report. The Board reviewed a draft 2012 annual report and suggested amendments.

Harris, 1 Wequobsque Road (30-46) The Board approved a permit submitted by Chris Alley to test tank and seal its seam if necessary.

22 Kennasoome Way (11-55.4) Marina Lent updated the Board re: the unlicensed septic system at 22 Kennasoome Way, which was installed some time after July 19, 2000 in contravention of the Board's rejection on that date of a proposal tying the guesthouse into the existing 1988 septic system.  The approved capacity of the system is six bedrooms.  The Board felt that having two dwellings feeding into a 1,000 gallon tank poses an unwarranted risk to the proper functioning of the system, and asked Marina to make efforts to identify the bank which currently owns the property to address remediation by exploring the Registry of Deeds.

The Board noted that, although the sale and transfer inspection is designated a "pass" in light of the lack of any apparent failure or stress conditions found, the Board views the system as requiring remediation for future use.

Prevention and control of Rabies: Mass State Law as reflected in Health regulation 105 CMR 335.000, determines the following responsibilities for local Boards of Health:

"The board of health is under no obligation to furnish vaccine and treatment regardless of the opinion of the attending physician, unless the case is covered by 105 CMR 335.100.
335.100: Cases Requiring Vaccination and Treatment
(A) Antirabic vaccine and antirabic treatment shall be furnished by the board of health for all persons bitten by or intimately exposed to the saliva of:
(1) A clinically rabid animal.
(2) An animal the head of which was found positive for rabies on laboratory examination.
(3) An animal the head of which was found suspicious for rabies on laboratory examination.
4) An animal the head of which was in such condition on reaching the laboratory that it could not be examined, and was, therefore, classified as unsatisfactory for examination.
(5) An animal which could not be restrained for a clinical observation period of 14 days after the date of biting or exposure.
(6) An animal which was killed without being held for observation and without subsequent laboratory examination of the head.
No charges shall be paid for services other than for the administration of the vaccine"     

Primary Water Operator for the Menemsha Water Company:  the Board noted that the Menemsha Water Company has advertised for a primary operator, and asked Marina to communicate with the water company with regards to operation and maintenance of the system.

Additional Flu Clinic An emergency flu clinic was held at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, Sunday, January 13, 2013 to address high rates of flu-like illness among Islanders.  813 people, 41 from Chilmark, were vaccinated, including children.

Storm damage The Board reviewed communication from DEP regarding wind and storm damage to the fence at the DAS hub by the Chilmark landfill.

Septic System Installer Permits issued to:  Medeiros Excavation and Landscape; All-Phaze Excavation.

Septage Hauler Permits issued to: Araujo Bros., Inc.; Septic Solutions;  Nickolas Peters Co. LLC.

Food Establishment Permits issued to:  All-Island Seafood.

PWS #4062006, Chilmark Community Center/Library Annual Report   Marina Lent presented the Annual Report for PWS #4062006.  There were no bacterial or other drinking water test exceedances in 2012; the system used a total of 21,302 gallons in 2012, with peak usage in August of ca. 6,000 gallons; consideration could be given to installing an additional water meter for the library system which does not include water used to irrigate the lawn, so that maximum septic system flow could be more accurately assessed.  

Alden, 140 State Road (33-16) Title 5 Official Inspection Report passes.

Wilson, 129 Old Farm Road (3-43) Title 5 Official Inspection Report passes.

Invoices:  The Board approved the following invoices for payment:

  • MVRD SEMASS-MSW and Transportation      $1,691.75
  • Soil Evaluator/System Inspector permit renewal fee $120
  • About Signs and Design: Flu Clinic signage  $136
The meeting adjourned at 18:10 hours.

_______________________              _______________________                       _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair                 Matthew Poole                                       Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                   Chilmark Board of Health                     Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.